Help your business succeed by reserving your place at MACH

As the UK’s largest exhibition of cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, MACH 2026 is due to take place between the 20th and the 24th of April 2026.

If you are interested in showcasing your company to tens of thousands of visitors with real purchasing power, we urge you to reserve your exhibition space today. The event attracts large numbers of attendees who are looking to connect with new suppliers, discover the latest innovations and form new business relationships.

Don’t miss your chance to book your stand today

How MACH 2024 performed

  • Visitor numbers increased by 6% from MACH 2022
  • 80.5% of visitors to the show became leads by interacting with exhibitors
  • On average, exhibitors generated over 100 unique connections during the show
  • Over half of the trade visitors to MACH had the authority to identify equipment requirements, submit proposals and make key buying decisions

Reasons to exhibit at MACH 2026

Here are some of the benefits your business could enjoy should you choose to exhibit at MACH 2026:

  • Showcase your products: Exhibiting at MACH 2026 will allow you to showcase your offerings to thousands of trade visitors looking for new suppliers and products. No other UK event brings together so many key decision makers under one-roof across a five-day period.
  • Build your sales pipeline: Generate an ongoing pipeline of high-quality leads and opportunities that continue to generate sales long after the show has ended.
  • Networking opportunities: With hundreds of exhibitors expected to participate, MACH 2026 is an ideal place to network and share ideas with like-minded suppliers.
  • Conduct competitor analysis: Seeing what your manufacturing and engineering technology rivals offer will help you to conduct all-important competitor analysis.
  • Raise your company’s profile: MACH 2026 provides you with the perfect opportunity to boost your business’ profile.
  • Enhanced relationships: Participating in the exhibition will enable you to strengthen your relationships with your existing customers.
  • Improved sales and lead generations: Showcasing your products to more than 26,000 attendees will help to boost your sales and lead generations.

For more information on why you should exhibit at MACH 2026, download our comprehensive Reasons to Exhibit brochure.

The UK’s national event for inspiring, innovating and connecting manufacturing

MACH 2026 provides an ideal opportunity for engineering-based manufacturing businesses to showcase their latest products and services to prospective customers. There is no better place to meet with an audience of key decision makers with real purchasing power.

Book your stand today