Student/Apprentice/Family visits to MACH 2026
MACH 2026 welcomes students from Year 7 upwards. Please note that student groups will be booked on a first come, first served basis, and groups will be allocated with an arrival time based on their school proximity to the venue. Where possible we will allocate your preferred dates for visiting.
Registration for Schools, students and families will open in 2026. However, if you would still like to enquire about bringing a student group, please contact [email protected]
Last line of text should be changed to – To view the MACH 2026 E&D health and safety advice video, please click here

Guided Student Tours
At MACH we offer guided tours of the exhibition halls, led by apprentices and graduates working in the industry. This provides students a unique opportunity to interact with role models from industry whilst finding out valuable careers advice. The guided tours include exhibits in the E&D Zone and also a wide range of stands around the entire exhibition, varying from presentations to hands-on activities.
Please note, for Health & Safety reasons, students aged 11-16 (Years 7-11) must be escorted round the halls on a guided tour. Tour groups can vary from 6-12 students per group, and each group must have a responsible teacher/adult from the school. Guided tours are not mandatory for students aged 17 (Year 12) upwards, however you are still welcome to request one at the time of booking. Tour slots are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
For more information please contact [email protected]
Parents/Guardians welcome!
Students considering a career in engineering are more than welcome to attend with a parent or guardian; for safety reasons, however, child transport vehicles and babes-in-arms are not permitted on the show floor.
MACH features a wide variety of live, working industrial machinery; children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.

Downloads for Visiting Schools
To view the MACH 2024 E&D health and safety advice video, please click here.